1 oz. Wedding Hand Sanitizer Bottles

Product ID: WDTHS501
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The 1 oz. Wedding Hand Sanitizer Bottles are just what you need for your upcoming wedding. These wellness-boosting sanitizers show your guests you care about their health and well-being, and with your name and wedding date printed on the front of the clear bottles, it's a message they'll be seeing for a long time to come. The germ-eliminating sanitizer is available in either citrus or unscented options and comes with a standard white ingredient label on the back of the bottle.

Delivery only to the contiguous United States at this time. Delivery unavailable to Alaska, Hawaii and all off-shore U.S. territories.

Product Size Icon

Product size:

1-3/8"W x 3"H

Imprint Area Icon

Imprint area:

1"W x 1-7/8"H

Product Construction Icon


Antibacterial hand sanitizer in clear PET plastic bottles with 62% ethyl alcohol as active ingredient.

Production Times Icon

Production times available:

  • Standard (6 Business Days)
  • 5 Day Production

Standard production applies to orders of less than 2,500 pieces.

Limitations apply during peak season. Larger orders may add extra days to production time. Check with customer service for availability.

Delivery via air shipment is not available on this item.

Production Times Icon

Setup charge:

FREE. Price includes a full-color imprint on the front of the bottle.

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