Wedding Zipper Bottle Cooler

Product ID: WDTCC-101
  • free bride & groom can coolers
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Drink insulators are not just for cans anymore! Provide premium insulation for your 12 oz. longneck bottles with these Wedding Collapsible Foam Zippered Bottle Coolers. Our bottle insulators features a side zipper to allow your guests to easily get their beverage in and out. The side opposite the zipper features a 2-1/2"W x 3-1/2"H imprint area to clearly display your wedding information. Your wedding guests will appreciate this zippered bottle wedding favor, and are sure to use it over and over again.


• Over 5 product colors and over 20 imprint colors
• One-color imprint on one side of the can cooler
• Polyurethane foam material

Free delivery to the contiguous United States, excluding Alaska, Hawaii and all off-shore U.S territories.

Product Size Icon

Product size:

4"W x 7-1/8"H | Fits most 12 oz. longneck bottles

Imprint Area Icon

Imprint area:

2-1/2"W x 3-1/2"H on the side opposite the zipper

Product Construction Icon


Polyurethane foam

Production Times Icon

Production times available:

  • Standard (6 Business Days)
  • 5 Day Production
  • 4 Day Production
  • 3 Day Production
  • 2 Day Production
  • 24 Hour Production

Production Times Icon

Setup charge:

$20 fee. Price includes a one-color imprint on one side of the bottle cooler.

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